About Us
Who Are We?
We are a high quality food safety consultancy, based in Cardiff, South Wales. We serve clients across the whole of Wales.
3 key factors make us unique

Many food businesses are starting to realise that despite spending huge amounts of their budget on training, management systems, inspections and third party audits, improvement has been limited. The same non-conformances repeat year after year. The root cause of most safety issues boil down to human factors. It is critical that focusing on people, culture and behaviour is taken into account – yet it is mostly ignored.
As a food safety consultancy, we have over 20 years of skills and experience in the fields of safety improvement, workplace culture and behaviour change. We’ve built up our experience working across both sides of the fence. We’ve worked within local authority Environmental Health as regulatory enforcer and within the private sector business advisor. Time spent in academia studying the disciplines of human error, systems thinking and improvement science gives us an edge.
We bring knowledge and learning from different contexts (industry, public sector, non-profit, international development and healthcare) to give new insight and new ways of thinking to transform your food safety practice. Our broad experience of working in cross-cutting disciplines, allows us to think differently about solutions to the food safety compliance problems you are facing.
Behaviour change can feel like herding sheep. You can’t force people to do the right thing and expect success. It might work in the short term. But people won’t be committed and change will not be sustainable.
Instead you need a smarter approach – a better, more effective way of tackling transformation of food safety practice within your business. We understand this new approach. We can teach you how to make the shift to lead your business to excellence.
Transformation is one thing. Sustained transformation is another. We teach you how to reinforce practice and maintain momentum within your team to keep progress moving forwards. Work with us to skyrocket your food safety performance to excellence. Our services are designed to:
Protect: your customers, your business reputation and your brand.
Improve: the performance of your team, get better results and give your business a competitive edge.
Reduce: risk, error, harm and liability.
Don’t leave your food safety performance to chance. Whatever your business goals – let us guide you. We’re good at what we do. Find out how our next generation solutions can give your business an edge.
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